name: cal
birthday: 16 december
birthplace: pluto
current location: travelling the universe
eye color: blue
hair color: blonde
height: 5'3
right or left handed: left
heritage: german
your fears: vomit, germs, cockroaches
your perfect pizza: pepperoni or sausage
first thought waking up: stomach hurt
best physical feature: my bug eyes
bedtime: whenever i'm tired
most missed memory: june 2020, march 2021
pepsi or coke: vanilla coke
mcdonalds or burger king: burger king
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
do you smoke: yes
do you swear: yes
do you sing: i wish
do you shower daily: yes
have you been in love: many times
do you want to go to college: hell no
do you want to get married: also hell no
do you get motion sickness: all the time
are you a health freak: it ruins my life sometimes
do you get along with your parents: no
ever been drunk: yes
how do you want to die: train
what country do you want to visit: finland or canada
in a guy/girl
favorite eye color: any
favorite hair color: brown or black
short or long hair: long
height: idc
weight: not obese